Tiitus - Jobs

by Tiitus Group



An easier, faster and more fun job application service

An easier, faster and more fun job application service. Tiitus is a new job application app that makes it easier and faster to apply for a job. Instead of filling in dozens of different forms, youll be able to apply for all open job positions conveniently with the same profile. A Tiitus profile isnt just a black and white listing of skills and experience - its your chance to show off your personality. Youll evaluate your own strengths and skills. Later you can also choose and add the pictures you want, and display highlights directly from social media to showcase the things you like. You can also shoot a video to show your attitude. The application suggests the most suitable open job positions for you. It only takes a few taps to apply for a job. Once youve applied for a position, you can monitor the applications progress on your phone. You can also chat with the employer and start a discussion already before your first interview. 1. Create a profile2. Complete your CV3. Apply for a job- Fixed downloading of the profile-PDF

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Kulas Cesnovas

Jag skulle vilja påminna att Finland har två stadspråk. Men svenska stöds inte på okända grundar.

Evgenii Ulybin

ei natsaa kyl sit ollenkaa ei näemmä oo töitä tulos

Waltteri Hulkko

Tarjottujen töiden osuvuus kriteereihin huono. Sovellus jää välillä toistuvasti jumiin "Työpaikkoja haetaan.."

Aki Lempinen

Tarjoaa epärelevantteja paikkoja hakuehtoihin nähden ja liian kaukaa vaikka olisi painottanut kriteereissä sijainnin läheisyyttä

Visa Kytömäki

Hieno applikaatio, nerokas idea!

LA Frost Frost

Todella kurkoa tuoda tindermäinen ratkaisu korjaamaan Suomen työmarkkinoita. Pakko nostaa hattua tekijöille!

Tom Himanen